American theologian and author (1835-1922)

Evolution does not attempt to explain the origin of life. It is simply a history of the process of life. With the secret cause of life evolution has nothing to do. A man, therefore, may be a materialistic evolutionist or a theistic evolutionist; that is, he may believe that the cause is some single unintelligent, impersonal force, or he may believe that the cause is a wise and beneficent personal God. I repeat what I have already said in this volume, that I am a theistic evolutionist; that is, I believe that the Infinite and Eternal Energy from which all things proceed, which is the All in all, is an Energy that thinks, feels, and wills, — a self-conscious, intelligent, moral Being. Evolution does not claim to be the last word. There is no last word. Evolution itself is inconsistent with the idea that there can be any last word. The doctrine of evolution is the doctrine of perpetual growth, and therefore every word spoken prepares for another and a further word. If it is to be accepted at all, it is to be accepted as, on the whole, the grandest generalization of our age, if not of any age, — the best statement of the process of life that has yet been uttered.


The Theology of an Evolutionist

Tags: evolution

As society is educated under the teaching of God's Gospel, it passes by a natural reaction from hatred of sin into simple compassion and pity. Then we pick the drunkard out of the gutter, and coddle him and set him up on the platform to be straightway our teacher; for we have now no sense of wrath against inordinate appetite. We are overwhelmed with pity for the murderer, with no restraining sense of justice against him, and send him gifts, — broiled chicken and costly flowers, — and parade his name in the newspapers almost as a hero to be worshiped. We say that we are charitable. In fact we have forgotten that which is the basis of all moral character, — to abhor that which is evil. As the first century represented the state of indifference to iniquity, as the Middle Ages represented the state of wrath against iniquity, so this nineteenth century often represents morbid sentiments of pity. We are not so much concerned with the drunkard as with his headache and his misery. We are not so much troubled by covetousness as by poverty, and are more eager to form anti-poverty societies than anti-covetous societies. It is the evil which sins bring upon men that brings sorrow to our hearts rather than sin itself. Nor shall we come into a moral state which is worthy of the children of God until we have taken these two factors, wrath against sin and pity because of sin, and found a way to unite them in one common experience. Not merely wrath against sin and pity for the sinner. No woman who is pure but must have felt a sense of revulsion from the impure woman. No man who is perfectly truthful but must have felt a sense of loathing for a liar. No man who is honest but must have felt a sense of antagonism, hate, wrath, indignation — call it what you will, there are no words adequate to express it — for the dishonest man. And yet with this sense of indignation against that which is iniquitous and shameful, there is also in the heart a great pity for the sinful man. We both hate him and sorrow for him; and out of these two combined experiences there grows mercy.


The Theology of an Evolutionist

Tags: pity

Among the names which redeem human nature from the dark pall of sin and shame which envelops the race, and give a true interpretation to the divine declaration that God made man in his own image, none is more illustrious than that of Moses. His name is brightest of all the stars that illumine the dark night which, from the days of the Garden of Eden to those of the Garden of Gethsemane, settled over the earth. Notwithstanding the lapse of three thousand years, it is still undimmed by time, which effaces so much that seems to its own age to be glorious, and buries in oblivion so much that is really ignominious. The founder of a great nation, his name will be held in lasting remembrance so long as the promise of God holds good, and the Hebrew race preserves, though scattered to the four quarters of the earth, its sacred records and its national identity. The founder, under God, of those principles of political economy which underlie every free state, his name will be more and more honored as those principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity, which were the foundation of the Hebrew commonwealth, are more generally recognized and adopted by the voice of mankind. More resplendent even than his inspired genius are that moral courage, that indomitable and unselfish purpose, and that manly yet humble piety, which are far too seldom united to a tenacious ambition and a powerful intellect. Deservedly honored as the greatest of all statesmen, he is yet more to be honored for those sentiments of commingled patriotism and piety, which lead him to reject a life of apparent glory, though real disgrace, for one of seeming ignominy, but real and undying glory.


Old Testament Shadows of New Testament Truths

Tags: God

Among the impulses whose object is a preservation of existence must also be put the love of offspring. So much has been said and written about parental love, about mothers' love especially, that it may seem to the reader doubtful whether this impulse belongs here among the lower animal impulses. But a moment's reflection will convince him that the love of offspring is in its lowest forms a purely animal instinct; seen in the cat's care for her kitten, the hen's for her chickens, the cow's for her calf in every farm-yard; seen also, alas! as a mere blind semi-sensual instinct, in many a home, where the father or mother cannot bear to inflict pain, or thwart a desire, or permit a disappointment, or allow a burden, and so the child grows up, coddled and tended, to be weak and wayward and willful, and often worse. This parental instinct, guided and inspired by the higher nature, is the child's guardian from present evil, and guide into future manhood; but unguided and uninspired, it protects only from pain, which is God's method of discipline, and seeking only happiness, guides often into destruction and misery. It is, too, quite evident that it is necessary for the protection of existence; for the infant, whether of man or animal, is rarely able at first to protect himself; the higher his rank in the scale of being the greater the necessity for protection; and if there were no parental instinct, if there was nothing but a general and distributed sentiment of pity, he would certainly surfer greatly, and would generally die for want of the power in himself of self-protection. The parental instinct endows him with all the faculties and powers of his parent, especially with those of his mother—for in both brutes and men this instinct is almost invariably the strongest in the female—until his own powers have attained sufficient growth to make him able to protect himself.


A Study in Human Nature

Tags: instinct

"The words of Jesus," I continued more slowly than before "have changed the life and character of more than half the world, that half which alone possesses modern civilization, that half with which you and I, Mr. Gear, are most concerned. There was wonderful power in the doctrines of Buddha. But Buddhism has relapsed everywhere into the grossest of idolatries. There is a wonderful wealth of moral truth in the ethics of Confucius. But the ethics of Confucius have not saved the Chinese nation from stagnation and death. There is wonderful life-awaking power in the writings of Plato. But they are hid from the common people in a dead language, and when a Prof. Jowett gives them glorious resurrection in our vernacular, they are still hid from the common people by their subtlety. Every philosopher ought to study Plato. Every scholar may profitably study Buddha and Confucius. But every intelligent American ought to study the life and words of Jesus of Nazareth."


Laicus: Or, The Experiences of a Layman in a Country Parish

Tags: life

When man would make a rose with tools, he fashions petals and leaves of wax, colors them, manufactures a stalk by the same mechanical process -- and the rose is done. When God makes a rose, he lets a bird or a puff of wind drop a seed into the ground; out of the seed there emerges a stalk; and out of the stalk, branches; and on these branches, buds; and out of these buds roses unfold; and the rose is never done, for it goes on endlessly repeating itself. This is the difference between manufacture and growth. Man's method is the method of manufacture; God's method is the method of growth. What man makes is a finished product -- death. What God makes is an always finishing and never finished product -- life.


The Theology of an Evolutionist

Tags: rose

We think that we have gotten rid of idolatry because we no longer worship painted or carved images, as though these where the only idols.


Seeking After God

There can be no virtue without temptation; for virtue is victory over temptation.


The Theology of an Evolutionist

Tags: virtue

The street-walkers were much more in evidence then than they are to-day; or is it only that they were more in evidence to a youth under seventeen than they are to a man over seventy? I do not think that is all. That I should not be accosted now as I often was then is natural enough; but I have eyes to see and some common sense to judge whether the women I see upon the broad and well-lighted streets between eleven and twelve o'clock are professionals or not. The upper gallery in most, if not all, of the theaters was reserved for such women, where they might ply their trade, and no woman was allowed on the floor or in the first gallery of most theaters unless accompanied by a man as a guarantee of her respectability.



Tags: prostitution

The artist does not really create; he discovers.


The Great Companion

Tags: art

Solemn faces do not make sacred hours.


Laicus: Or, The Experiences of a Layman in a Country Parish

Mere philanthropy and humanity ... are not religion. There must also be piety. The soul must live in the divine presence; must inhale the Spirit of God; must utter its contrition, its weaknesses, its wants, and its thanks-givings to its Heavenly Father.


Laicus: Or, The Experiences of a Layman in a Country Parish

Tags: humanity

Men who do want God, who are really in earnest to find God, who do not live in the outward world altogether, but have some vision of the inner, who do not stop at the creed or the church or the Book, who do not call God to an account for the way in which he conducts himself, still fail to find God because they want God only for what God will bring to them.


Seeking After God

Tags: God

It is only by human experiences that we can interpret the Divine.


The Theology of an Evolutionist

It is not a bad method, by the way, of judging a sermon to try it and see how it works in actual experiment.


Laicus: Or, The Experiences of a Layman in a Country Parish

I never fancied the country. Its numerous attractions were no attractions to me. I cannot harness a horse. I am afraid of a cow. I have no fondness for chickens—unless they are tender and well-cooked. Like the man in parable, I cannot dig. I abhor a hoe. I am fond of flowers but not of dirt, and had rather buy them than cultivate them. Of all ambition to get the earliest crop of green peas and half ripe strawberries I am innocent. I like to walk in my neighbor's garden better than to work in my own. I do not drink milk, and I do drink coffee; and I had rather run my risk with the average of city milk than with the average of country coffee. Fresh air is very desirable; but the air on the bleak hills of the Hudson in March is at times a trifle too fresh. The pure snow as it lies on field, and fence, and tree, is beautiful, I confess. But when one goes out to walk, it is convenient to have the sidewalks shoveled.


Laicus: Or, The Experiences of a Layman in a Country Parish

Tags: ambition

God is always revealing himself, and has always been revealing himself. He has always been knocking at the door; he has always been standing at the window. He has always been showing his character. They who have seen it best and most clearly, and had power to tell us what they have seen, are the world's prophets. What is distinctive in respect to Hebrew law is not its universal applicability to the human race — there is a great deal in the Hebrew law to which we no longer pay any attention; it is the recognition of the fact that God is the great lawgiver. What is peculiar in the Hebrew history is not its narration of great battles, great statesmen's endeavors and achievements; it is the history of the dealing of God with a particular people. God is as truly with the American race as he ever was with the Hebrew race; as truly with Abraham Lincoln as he was with Moses. The difference between the Hebrew race and the American race is the difference between the Old Testament Scriptures and the modern newspaper. The modern newspaper is enterprising, and it gathers news, and gathers gossip that is not news, from the four quarters of the globe; but it fails to see God in human history. The Old Testament prophets did not show the same enterprise, did not have the same wideness of view; but they did see God in human history, and have helped us to see him. That vision of God is equally characteristic of the fiction of the Bible — Ruth, Esther, Jonah, the parable of the prodigal son (there are some people who think it is irreverent to suggest that there is any fiction in the Old Testament, but quite right to find it in the words of Christ in the New), and of the drama of the Bible — the epic drama of Job, the love drama of the Song of Songs. In these is seen a manifestation, a revelation of goodness and truth and righteousness, and, above all, of a personal God dealing with men. This is the characteristic of the Hebrew poetry. We find more beautiful phrasing in Wordsworth, or in Tennyson, or in Longfellow, or in Whittier, but nowhere do you find in literature, ancient or modern, such discoveries of God as in the Hebrew Psalter. The "Eternal Goodness" may seem to you more beautiful than the One Hundred and Third Psalm; but would Whittier have written " Eternal Goodness" if he had not read the One Hundred and Third Psalm?


Seeking After God

Tags: God

Evolution does not attempt to explain the origin of life. It is simply a history of the process of life. With the secret cause of life evolution has nothing to do. A man, therefore, may be a materialistic evolutionist or a theistic evolutionist; that is, he may believe that the cause is some single unintelligent impersonal force, or he may believe that the cause is a wise and beneficent God.


Problems of Life: Selections from the Writings of Rev. Lyman Abbott

Tags: evolution

Did Adam fall, six thousand years ago? It is immaterial. Certainly if we found the story of a garden with one fruit by eating which a man would make himself immortal, and with another fruit which would give him a consciousness of good and evil, with a serpent which talked to him, and with a God who walked in the garden and from whom the man attempted to hide, — if we found that in Greek, or Roman, or Hindu, or Norse literature, we should say, That is beautiful fable; what truth can we find in it? And I do not see any reason why, finding it in Hebrew literature, we should not say, That is beautiful fable; what truth is in that fable?


The Theology of an Evolutionist

Tags: literature

Commerce is a form of warfare.


Problems of Life: Selections from the Writings of Rev. Lyman Abbott