English essayist, poet & playwright (1672-1719)

Men who profess a state of neutrality in times of public danger, desert the common interest of their fellow subjects; and act with independence to that constitution into which they are incorporated. The safety of the whole requires our joint endeavours. When this is at stake, the indifferent are not properly a part of the community; or rather are like dead limbs, which are an encumbrance to the body, instead of being of use to it.


The Freeholder, Feb. 3, 1716

Tags: neutrality

Ladies are always of great use to the party they espouse, and never fail to win over numbers to it. Lovers, according to Sir William Petty's computation, make at least the third part of sensible men of the British nation; and it has been an uncontroverted maxim in all ages, that though a husband is sometimes a stubborn sort of a creature, a lover is always at the devotion of his mistress. By this means, it lies in the power of every fine woman, to secure at least half a dozen able-bodied men to his Majesty's service.


The Freeholder, Jan. 2, 1716

Tags: women, political parties

The friendships of the world are oft confederacies in vice, or leagues of pleasure.



Tags: friendship, vice

Title and ancestry render a good man more illustrious, but an ill one more contemptible.


The Guardian, Aug. 1, 1713

The greatest reformation should be among those who have been the greatest sinners.


attributed, Day's Collacon

Tags: reform

Of all the diversions of life, there is none so proper to fill up its empty spaces as the reading of useful and entertaining authors.


The Spectator, Jun. 18, 1711

Tags: reading

Exercise ferments the humors, casts them into their proper channels, throws off redundancies, and helps nature in those secret distributions, without which the body cannot subsist in its vigor, nor the soul act with cheerfulness.


The Spectator, Jul. 12, 1711

Tags: exercise

There is no virtue so truly great and godlike as justice.


The Guardian, Jul. 4, 1713

Tags: justice

There is no virtue so truly great and godlike as justice.


The Guardian, Jul. 4, 1713

Tags: justice

Justice is that which is practiced by God himself, and to be practiced in its perfection by none but him. Omniscience and omnipotence are requisite for the full exertion of it.


The Guardian, Jul. 4, 1713

Tags: justice, God

When time itself shall be no more / And all things in confusion hurl'd / Music shall then exert it's power / And sound survive the ruins of the world / Then saints and angels shall agree / In one eternal jubilee / All Heaven shall echo with their hymns divine / And God himself with pleasure see / The whole creation in a chorus join.


Song for St. Cecilia's Day

Tags: music, Heaven

In doing what we ought we deserve no praise, because it is our duty.



Tags: praise, duty

The honors of this world, what are they but puff, and emptiness, and peril of falling?



Tags: honor

A common civility to an impertinent fellow, often draws upon one a great many unforeseen troubles; and if one doth not take particular care, will be interpreted by him as an overture of friendship and intimacy.


The Tatler, Apr. 18, 1710

It is the duty of all who make philosophy the entertainment of their lives, to turn their thoughts to practical schemes for the good of society, and not pass away their time in fruitless searches, which tend rather to the ostentation of knowledge than the service of life.


The Tatler, Dec. 9, 1710

Tags: philosophy

Men of warm imaginations and towering thoughts are apt to overlook the goods of fortune which are near them, for something that glitters in the sight at a distance; to neglect solid and substantial happiness for what is showy and superficial; and to contemn that good which lies within their reach, for that which they are not capable of attaining. Hope calculates its schemes for a long and durable life; presses forward to imaginary points of bliss; grasps at impossibilities; and consequently very often ensnares men into beggary, ruin, and dishonour.


The Spectator, Nov. 13, 1712

Tags: hope, imagination

Modesty is not only an ornament, but also a guard to virtue.


The Spectator, Nov. 24, 1711

Tags: modesty, virtue

There are a sort of knight-errants in the world, who, quite contrary to those in romance, are perpetually seeking adventures to bring virgins into distress, and to ruin innocence. When men of rank and figure pass away their lives in these criminal pursuits and practices, they ought to consider that they render themselves more vile and despicable than any innocent man can be, whatever low station his fortune or birth have placed him in.


The Guardian, Aug. 1, 1713

Though there is a benevolence due to all mankind, none can question but a superior degree of it is to be paid to a father, a wife, or child. In the same manner, though our love should reach to the whole species, a greater proportion of it should exert itself towards that community in which Providence has placed us. This is our proper sphere of action, the province allotted us for the exercise of our civil virtues, and in which alone we have opportunities of expressing our goodwill to mankind.


The Freeholder, Jan. 6, 1716

It is a melancholy consideration that there should be several among us so hardened and deluded as to think an oath a proper subject for a jest; and to make this, which is one of the most solemn acts of religion, an occasion of mirth. Yet such is the depravation of our manners at present, that nothing is more frequent than to hear profligate men ridiculing, to the best of their abilities, these sacred pledges of their duty and allegiance; and endeavouring to be witty upon themselves, for daring to prevaricate with God and man.


The Freeholder, Jan. 9, 1716