quotations about conflict

Matter is essentially multiplicity and division; and this, be it said in passing, is why all that proceeds from matter can beget only strife and all manner of conflicts between peoples and between individuals. The deeper one sinks into matter, the more the elements of division and opposition gain force and scope; and, on the other hand, the more one rises towards pure spirituality, the nearer one approaches to that unity which can only be fully realized by consciousness of the universal principles.


The Crisis of the Modern World

We often try to get control of a dispute by focusing on the details. Scientists teach us that this is an unproductive and frustrating pursuit. Documenting conflict is like trying ot measure a coastline, the classic fractal example. From afar, it looks easy, but as you work to map even a square mile, you find unique bends and curves within each bend and curve, which are comprised of even more similar yet ultimately immeasurable shapes. With conflic, documenting past discussions, memories, and interconnecting relationships will quickly get you mired in data with no hope of understanding the overall picture.


The Way of Conflict: Elemental Wisdom for Resolving Disputes and Transcending Differences

There are no victims and no conflicts of interest among rational men, men who do not desire the unearned and do not view one another with a cannibal's lust.


Atlas Shrugged

This never ending conflict is all I have.


"Demons with Ryu", Speaker of the Dead

Conflict will never be eliminated from human affairs. Conflict is simply the active expression of difference, and an essential part of human development. Without conflict change would be impossible.


A Dream Deferred: America's Discontent and the Search for a New Democratic Ideal

For a third party, such as a mediator, ignoring history in conflict is like ignoring a fault line running through the centre of a city: you can build on it, the city might even last for a while, but eventually it will fall down.


Conflict Resolved: A Critical Assessment of Conflict Resolution

All concepts of politics, of whatever kind, are about conflict--how to contain it, or abolish it.


Marxism and Politics

The observation that conflict is part of the human condition, banal though it is, contradicts fashionable beliefs.


How the Mind Works