quotations about life

If we look at life in its various stages, has it been worth living at each period? It is rarely doubted as regards the youth. Life is to them a joyous thing--all is fresh and new; and life to their minds seems plastic and pliable; they have the experiment of living their life before them. Putting aside the fact that men do not start in the world with the desire for, or properly trained to make the "best of this life," we will consider if "life lived as it is" by the majority, life as realized in ordinary life, is worth living. And the reply must be, "Yes." Man has a body fitted and adapted for the purposes of life; and although, because of his own disobedience or the faults of his predecessors, he may not enjoy good health, yet the majority have a bodily structure that, if carefully attended to, will enable them successfully to do their work and feel it is a privilege to live, and be able to earn sufficient to live upon; and I think it must be admitted that to the majority, by the use of their brains, by industry, and by thrift, there is the possibility of securing sufficient to supply all with the ways and means of life. Wealth, no doubt, is power; it gives great influence, secures its possessor from many annoyances, gives facilities for attempting and effecting what others might dream of in vain; but it is a mistake to think that "life is more worth living" to the rich man than to the poor. Wealth can only belong to the few, and it would be impossible to imagine that the Creator had done His work so badly that only the "idle rich" were able to enjoy this life. The morning can find you without anxiety; the day may find you equal to the fulfilment of your duties; you may do your work willingly and cheerfully; you may retain the bright cloudlessness of your early days--"the child's heart within the man's"--and, day by day, enjoy life, and retire to rest without its bringing to you sleeplessness or morbid terrors, if you be a machanic, perhaps more so than if you were a Rothschild. Each and every condition of life has its duties and anxieties, its troubles and drawbacks, as well as its pleasures. I have implicit faith in the Creator's law of compensation. My belief is, that God wills, and has so arranged that in all ranks of life, let the difference of condition or capability be what it may, each one has it within him to make his life beautiful and happy. To every living being life is preferable to death; life to each and every one of us "is worth living."


"Is Life Worth Living?", Platt's Essays

Such is life. It is no cleaner than a kitchen; it reeks like a kitchen; and if you mean to cook your dinner, you must expect to soil your hands; the real art is in getting them clean again, and therein lies the whole morality of our epoch.


Pere Goriot

Tags: Honore de Balzac

Life is half delicious yogurt, half crap, and your job is to keep the plastic spoon in the yogurt.


Stick to Drawing Comics, Monkey Brain!

Tags: Scott Adams

She seemed to listen to life as though life were the most cunning and charming of confidence men: knowing perfectly well that she was being conned, she, nevertheless, again and again, gave the man the money for the Brooklyn Bridge. She never gained possession of the bridge, of course, but she certainly learned how to laugh. And the tiny lines in her face had been produced as much by laughter as by loss.


Tell Me How Long the Train's Been Gone

Tags: James Baldwin

[A] carefully constructed life is a meticulous diversion from living.


"'Completely Unknown' Deals in Ambiguity and Subtle Charms", PopMatters, September 1, 2016

Life is not about having a good time. We're told you do certain things. You behave a certain way and happiness will come your way. Which isn't true. I don't think we're put on this earth to live happy lives. I think we're put here to challenge ourselves physically, emotionally, intellectually.


interview, Spin Magazine, February 1992

What is our life but a succession of preludes to that unknown song whose first solemn note is sounded by death?


Méditations Poétiques

Tags: Alphonse de Lamartine

Life is droll. It has no common sense. It is the game of a mountebank.


The Joyous Adventures of Aristide Pujol

Still, life had a way of adding day to day.


Mrs. Dalloway

Tags: Virginia Woolf

We've been told there's a certain way to live ... that this is living ... and we ... we never really questioned it. We just sort of went along. But what if it's not the best way? What if there's another way that's better? What if there's something more?!


The Profession

Tags: Walter Wykes

Child, child, have patience and belief, for life is many days, and each present hour will pass away.


You Can't Go Home Again

Life is a lot like math. There's always new stuff to do, always another problem to solve. Work through it one problem at a time.


"Sheehan valedictorian: 'Life is a lot like math'", My Record Journal, June 3, 2016

As a well spent day affords happy sleep, so does a life profitably employed afford a happy death.


Thoughts on Art and Life

Tags: Leonardo da Vinci

Life must be lived with courage, with climbing and risks, else there is no happiness, no hope, no true success, no future.


The Ibsen Secret

Tags: Jennette Lee

Life is always uncertain, and common prudence dictates to every man the necessity of settling his temporal concerns, while it is in his power, and while the mind is calm and undisturbed.


letter to Mrs. Martha Washington, Jun. 18, 1775

Tags: George Washington

The real thing, this! and all these endless days, these days of senseless drudgery, it was this that set his soul in fever -- in a craze -- to break away, to feel the crushing bliss of life that wars with life -- the seethe and hiss.



Tags: Conrad Aiken

A man's life is like a well, not like a snake--it should be measured by its depth, not by its length.


Keystones of Thought

Let life happen to you. Believe me: life is in the right, always.


Letters to a Young Poet

Tags: Rainer Maria Rilke

A man's life from birth to death was a series of transition rites which brought him nearer and nearer to his ancestors.


Things Fall Apart

Tags: Chinua Achebe

The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction, not a destination.


Jeet Kune Do: Bruce Lee's Commentaries on the Martial Way