quotations about vegetarianism

Man alone consumes and engulfs more flesh than all other animals put together. He is, then, the greatest destroyer, and he is so more by abuse than by necessity. Instead of enjoying with moderation the resources offered him, in place of dispensing them with equity, in place of repairing in proportion as he destroys, of renewing in proportion as he annihilates, the rich man makes all his boast and glory in consuming, all his splendour in destroying, in one day, at his table, more material than would be necessary for the support of several families. He abuses equally other animals and his own species, the rest of whom live in famine, languish in misery, and work only to satisfy the immoderate appetite and the still more insatiable vanity of this human being who, destroying others by want, destroys himself by excess.


L'Histoire Naturelle

We manage to swallow flesh, only because we do not think of the cruel and sinful thing we do.


Glimpses of Bengal Letters

Tags: Rabindranath Tagore

I have from an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men.


attributed, The Perfectly Contented Meat-eater's Guide to Vegetarianism

Tags: Leonardo da Vinci

Vegetarianism is not only optimally healthy for your body, but your environment and the planet's animals. It allows you to live more harmoniously with the world around you, which improves mental and emotional health accordingly.


The Advantages of Being a Vegetarian

Vegetarians are the enemy of everything good and decent in the human spirit, an affront to all I stand for, the pure enjoyment of food.


Kitchen Confidential

The repugnance I have come to feel about eating such animals is an extension of what I would feel about eating my pet cat rather than the product of some calculation of quanta of suffering.


"The Incoherence of Peter Singer's Utilitarian Argument for Vegetarianism", ABC Online, October 25, 2016

We were all brainwashed to believe that the only source of protein was meat and cheese.


101 Reasons why I'm a Vegetarian

I'm a postmodern vegetarian -- I eat meat ironically.


Part Troll

Despite the fact that an Indonesian island chicken has probably had a much more natural life than one raised on a battery farm in England, people who wouldn't think twice about buying something oven-ready become much more upset about a chicken that they've been on a boat with, so there is probably buried in the Western psyche a deep taboo about eating anything you've been introduced to socially.


Last Chance to See

Tags: Douglas Adams

Those who eat flesh are but eating grains and vegetables at second hand; for the animal receives from these things the nutrition that produces growth. The life that was in the grains and the vegetables passes into the eater. We receive it by eating the flesh of the animal. How much better to get it direct by eating the food that God provided for our use!


Health and Happiness

When a man of normal habits is ill, everyone hastens to assure him that he is going to recover. When a vegetarian is ill (which fortunately very seldom happens), everyone assures him that he is going to die, and that they told him so, and that it serves him right. They implore him to take at least a little gravy, so as to give himself a chance of lasting out the night.


Saturday Review, May 21, 1898

Tags: George Bernard Shaw

I tell vegetarians, "Hey, vegetables are living things too. They're just easier to catch."


attributed, The Mammoth Book of Comic Quotes

Vegetables are interesting but lack a sense of purpose when unaccompanied by a good cut of meat.


attributed, Food and Drink: A Book of Quotations

Tags: Fran Lebowitz

If we each had to butcher our own meat, there would be a great increase in the number of vegetarians.


Tolstoy and His Message

Many refined people will not kill a fly, but eat an ox.


Taanis Gedanken

Sooner or later, we'll all be on the menu.


"To Serve Man", The Twilight Zone

Vegetables contain more nutriment than an equal amount of dead flesh. This will sound a surprising and incredible statement to many people, because they have been brought up to believe that they cannot exist unless they defile themselves with flesh, and this delusion is so widely spread that it is difficult to awaken the average man from it.


Vegetarianism and Occultism

Tags: C. W. Leadbeater

I advance no exaggerated or fanciful claim for Vegetarianism. It is not, as some have asserted, a "panacea" for human ills; it is something much more rational -- an essential part of the modern humanitarian movement, which can make no true progress without it. Vegetarianism is the diet of the future, as flesh-food is the diet of the past.


"The Humanities of Diet", Ethical Vegetarianism

Tags: Henry S. Salt

The meat-free lobby has been rebranding quietly for a while. Certainly, all but the most entrenched dinosaurs have forsworn the prejudice that all vegans and vegetarians are a feeble cohort of joyless neurotics, trussed up in hemp. Today, vegetarians especially are a mainstream minority: they've smartened up their menus and their look. Indeed, perhaps you would even consider going out with one.


"Vegetarian London: the best new dishes", Evening Standard, April 5, 2017

First, how do you prove that mankind is invested with the right of killing them, and that brutes have been created for the purpose you assert them to be? Secondly, it is to be observed that the flesh of man himself possesses the same nourishing and palatable qualities? Are we then to become cannibals for that reason?


Moral Inquiries